Equipped With The Latest Diagnostic Technology

As in medicine, the highest quality dental treatment begins with the "correct" diagnosis.

Means Family Dentistry - Gary B. Means DMD - Kids Teeth and More Renamed - 99 Erie Street, Edinboro PA 16412, 814-734-4444 - Latest Technology

Means Family Dentistry - Gary B. Means DMD - Kids Teeth and More Renamed - 99 Erie Street, Edinboro PA 16412, 814-734-4444 - Latest Technology


Our advanced digital radiographic (x-ray) technology ensures that we make the "right call" on every treatment. High resolution digital x-rays, magnified 25 times on our computer monitor allows the doctor and you to see things which cannot be seen with conventional x-rays, and at the same time, reduce x-ray exposure by more than two thirds.

Intra-oral Camera

Have you ever wished you fully understood what your dentist was explaining to you? After all, it is of the utmost importance that you fully understand your dental condition in order to make an informed judgment regarding your treatment. Experience your benefits with our high resolution, full color intra-oral camera. Using this pen-sized camera, placed inside your mouth, it is possible for the doctor to capture full color, magnified pictures of your tooth condition and display it for you on the colored monitor in the treatment area. You'll never leave our office being unsure of the doctor's recommendations. Seeing is believing!

Materials - American Made

Recent advances in dental materials allows the doctor to provide the most natural looking, long lasting, safest restorations possible. Dr. Means has therefore opted to no longer place mercury in his patient's body. It is no longer necessary to have those unsightly, black, mercury/alloy "fillings" placed in your teeth. Beautiful, life-like ceramics and resins have taken their place.

Conscious sedation

For those ADULT and CHILD patients who may have some anxiety about dental treatment, we offer methods of conscious sedation, (1) Oral pretreatment sedation and (2) Nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation (Happy gas). These can be used individually or in combination. You will find that by using either or both of these entirely safe methods the dental experience can be made quite pleasant. Dr. Means is licensed by the State of Pennsylvania to administer both.

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Means Family Dentistry | 99 Erie Street Edinboro, PA 16412 | 814-734-4444 | Info@MeansFamilyDentistry.com